Journal of Grey System
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Editorial Board
Professor Sifeng Liu – Editor-in-Chief
Director of the Institute for Grey Systems Studies and a Distinguished Professor of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, P. R. China
Dr. Liangyan Tao – Editorial Assistant
Professor Chaoqing Yuan – Director of the Editorial Office
Founding Editor
Professor Julong Deng – (in memorium)
Associate Editors
Professor Yingjie Yang – Institute of Artificial Intelligence De Montfort University, UK
Professor Jeffrey Forrest – Mathematics Department, Slippery Rock University, USA
Professor Dash Wu – RiskLab, University of Toronto, Canada
Professor Xuerui Tan – The First Affiliated Hospital of the Medical College, Shantou University, P. R. China
Prof. Qun Lin – Honorary Editor – Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academy of Math. & Syst. Science, CAS, P.R. China
International Editorial Advisory Board
Prof. Emil Scarlat – Bucharest University of Economics Romania
Prof. Jose L. Salmeron – University Pablo de Olavide, Spain
Prof. David Mba – De Montfort University, UK
Prof. Alan Pearman – Leeds University, UK
Prof. David L. Olson – University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Prof. J. Paulo Davim – University of Aveiro, Portugal
Prof. Ahmed Mehaoua – University of Paris Descartes, France
Prof. Edmundas K. Zavadskas – Vilnius Gediminas Technical U., Lithuania
Dr. Stefano Alvisi – University of Ferrara, Italy
Prof. Ewa Więcek-Janka – Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Dr. Angelika Ning – Universität Würzburg, Germany
Dr. Guo-Dong Li – Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Dr. Patrick Siqueira da Rocha – Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso, Brazil
Prof. Diyar Akay – Gazi University, Turkey
Prof. Vipul Jain – Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
Prof. Zhengyu Song – China Aerospace Sci &Tech Corp, P.R. China
Prof. Cheng-Hsiung Hsieh – Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan
Prof. Der-Chiang Li – National Chen Kung University, Taiwan
Prof. Naiming Xie – Nanjing U. of Aero. and Astro., P.R.China
Prof. Zhengpeng Wu – Communication U. of China, P.R.China
Prof. Guoping Wu – China University of Geosciences, P.R.China
Dr. Zhengxin Wang – Zhejiang U. of Finance and Economics, P.R.China
Prof. Wei Chen – Nanjing Audit University, P.R.China
Prof. Benhai Guo – Jiangsu University, P.R.China
Prof. Kejia Chen – FuzhouUniversity, P.R.China
Prof. Bo Zeng – Chongqing T. and B. U., P.R.China
Dr. Wuyong Qian – Jiangnan University, P.R.China
Prof. Zaiwu Gong – Nanjing U. of Information S. & T., P.R.China
Prof. Lizhi Cui – Anhui University of Technology, P.R.China
Prof. Chuanmin Mi – Nanjing U. of Aero. and Astro., P.R.China
Prof. Qiaoxing Li – Guizhou University, P.R.China
Prof. Hong Liu – Fuzhou University, P.R.China
Prof. Yuhong Wang – Jiangnan University, P.R.China
Prof. Miao Ma – Shanxi Normal University, P.R.China
Prof. Qiuping Wang – Xi’an University of Technology, P.R.China
Prof. Shuhua Mao – Wuhan University of Technology, P.R.China
Prof. Lirong Jian – Nanjing U. of Aero. and Astro., P.R.China
Prof. Yuan Liu – Zhejiang Normal University, P.R.China
Prof. Lizhong Duan – Beijing U. of Chinese Medicine, P.R.China
Prof. Jianzhong Xu – Harbin Engineering University, P.R.China
Prof. Ruilin Guo – Anyang Institute of Technology, P.R.China
Prof. Yunxian Hou – China Agricultural University, P.R.China
Prof. Xican Li – Shandong Agricultural University, P.R.China
Prof. Fenyi Dong – Henan Agricultural University, P.R.China
Prof. Shiquan Jiang – Tongling University, P.R.China
Dr. Yingsai Cao – Jiangnan University, P.R.China
Instructions to authors for manuscripts submission
Articles submitted to the journal should not have been published before in their current or substantially similar form, or be under consideration for publication with another journal. Use this in conjunction with the points below about references, before submission i.e. always attribute clearly using either indented text or quote marks. Authors submitting articles for publication warrant that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty. For ease of dissemination and to ensure proper policing of use, papers and contributions become the legal copyright of the publisher unless otherwise agreed.
Review process
Each paper is reviewed by the editor and, if it is judged suitable for this publication, it is then sent to at least two independent referees for double blind peer review. Based on their recommendation, as well as consultation between relevant Editorial Board members, the editor then decides whether the paper should be accepted as is, revised or rejected.
Permissions Prior to article submission, authors should clear permission to use any content that has not been created by them. Failure to do so may lead to lengthy delays in publication. JGS is unable to publish any article which has permissions pending.
Final submission Before submitting, authors should check their submission for completeness. Authors should note that proofs are not supplied prior to publication. The manuscript will be considered to be the definitive version of the article. The author must ensure that it is complete, grammatically correct and without spelling or typographical errors.
Manuscript requirements
Please prepare your manuscript before submission, using the following guidelines:
- Format: All files should be submitted as a Word document;
- Article Length: Articles should be between 8 and 12 pages in length unless agreed by the editor.
- Article Title: A title shouldn’t be more than ten words.
- Abstract: An abstract is a succinct summary of a longer piece of work. Its purpose is to act as a reference tool (for example in a library abstracting service), enabling the reader to decide whether or not to read the full text. Abstracts should contain no more than 200 words. Write concisely and clearly. There are four elements, such as purpose, methodology or approach, findings and originality or value, should be included in abstract. The abstract should reflect only what appears in the original paper.
- Keywords: Please provide 3-8 keywords which encapsulate the principal topics of the paper.
- Classification: Categorize your paper under one of the following classifications: Research paper, Technical paper, Literature review, Book review, CFPs or reports of relevant conferences.
- Headings: Headings must be concise, with a clear indication of the distinction between the hierarchy of headings. The first level headings should be presented in bold format and subsequent sub-headings to be presented in medium italics.
- Figures/Tables: All Figures/Tables should be of high quality, legible and numbered consecutively with arabic numerals.
- References: References must be identified in the text by consecutive numbers, enclosed in square brackets and listed at the end of the article. Unpublished data or private communications should not be included in the references.
Manuscripts and correspondence on editorial matters should be addressed The Editorial Office of the Journal Dr. Liangyan Tao. E-mail: Or by post to the Institute for Grey Systems Studies, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 29 Jiangjun Avenue, Nanjing 211106, P. R. China